Connemara Beekeepers Association

Membership Application / Iarratas Ballraíochta

Connemara Beekeepers Association

Thinking of Joining Us?

We would love to have you join the Connemara Beekeepers Association! There are lots of benefits as laid out below but the greatest thing about joining is the people that you will meet. Lifelong friends have been formed in our Association and it is no wonder as people form strong connections when they mix with people who have such strong mutual interests such as beekeeping!

Membership of the association includes:

Access to a four-night ‘Introduction to Beekeeping Course 2025’. It will be held weekly online and in person beginning February 12 between 7PM and PM and will run for four weeks

The fee  is included in your membership, insurance, monthly copy of An Beachaire and, when possible, a practical workshop in one of our apiaries later in the year.

As well as the “Introduction to Beekeeping” course, membership entitles you to the following as well:

  • A visit to our apiaries
  • Entry to lectures throughout the year
  • Beekeeping insurance
  • A year’s subscription to An Beachaire journal.

After submitting the your application you will be sent an electronic invoice which may be securely paid online or alternatively you may forward a cheque payable to:

Mr Rod Teck, CBC Treasurer, Beach Rd. Seamist House, Clifden, Co. Galway. H71 NV63

Bank Transfers details: IBAN IE71 BOFI 9039 3946 077791 & BIC No BOFIIE2D

(Cheques should be made payable to “The Connemara Beekeepers’ Association”)


Full Membership is €70 and includes FIBKA capitation fee of €55 which covers, in accordance with the Constitution: affiliation to FIBKA; monthly magazine “An Beachaire” (including online access to back issues); third party insurance for your beekeeping activities; eligibility to participate in FIBKA education and certified examination programme; eligibility to be a voting Delegate at Annual Congress if so nominated by your Association; eligibility to stand for election to Executive Council if nominated by at least one Association.

Additional Family Membership: includes FIBKA capitation fee of €30 which covers all entitlements afforded to Full Members, with the exception of a separate copy of An Beachaire. Intended for those residing at the same address as a Full Member.

Associate Membership: no FIBKA capitation fee. Intended to accommodate people who wish to be members of more than one Association. To avail of this membership, you must have Full or Additional Family membership in another affiliated Association, to be verified by FIBKA Membership Secretary.

Note that affiliation entitlements (including insurance) commence only on notification of your membership payment to FIBKA Membership Secretary by the Secretary of your local Association.

Click Here To Download The Membership Form or Fill and Submit the form below

Membership Application to Cumann Beachairí Chonamara for Year Commencing 1st January 2025

1). Use of your personal data: By completing this form and paying your membership fee, you are agreeing to join this Association, which is affiliated to the Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations (FIBKA). For purposes of Data Protection Acts and Regulations, this Association and FIBKA fulfil the roles of Joint Data Controllers. Please indicate your agreement or non-agreement to use of your personal data in Sections 1) to 4) below 1) Your Name, Address, and Eircode will be forwarded to the FIBKA Membership Secretary for the purposes of recording your affiliated membership and verifying to the insurance provider your entitlement to cover in the event of a claim against you. *

2). FIBKA Membership Secretary will share your Name, Address and Eircode with FIBKA Manager of An Beachaire for the purposes of arranging delivery of your magazine. Circulation of An Beachaire will be arranged by Manager via a printer and mailing fulfilment company or data management company to whom your details will be forwarded for that purpose. Any such company will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement limiting use of your data for the specified purpose only. *

3). From time to time, the FIBKA Executive Council may arrange for circulation of Census, Survey or other materials to affiliated members. Such materials will be limited to items directly related to the legitimate business of FIBKA in accordance with the Constitution, and will not include direct marketing material. The FIBKA Constitution can be found at Circulation of such materials will be arranged via a printer and mailing fulfilment company or a data management company to whom your name, address and Eircode will be forwarded for that purpose. Any such company will be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement limiting use of your data for the specified purpose only. **

4). If you apply to the Webmaster for online access to Back Issues of An Beachaire on the FIBKA website, your Membership number will be verified to the Webmaster by the FIBKA Membership Secretary. To apply for this service, login and create an account on the An Beachaire page at **

Upon receipt of your application the Treasurer of Cumann Beachaire Chonamara will forward an electronic invoice (which may be securely paid online) for the Membership fee.

Please Note:

* It is impossible for FIBKA to provide membership services in relation to insurance and An Beachaire in the event that you choose “No” to Section 1). and 2). above.

** Selecting “No” to 3). or 4). above will not restrict the provision of membership services in relation to insurance and postage of An Beachaire 2022 issues.

Your email address is for correspondence from Cumann Beachairí Chonamara, to inform you of meetings, events and forward on any information relevant to beekeeping matters. It will be retained in the contacts list of the above email account for 1 year after your membership ceases. We will not share your details with anyone, without first getting your consent. Apart from the above stated purposes, your personal details will not be used or shared with any other party, except in circumstances where this Association or FIBKA is compelled to do so by the laws of the State.

Storage and Retention of your personal data:

All reasonable security measures will be taken to ensure that your personal data will be stored by this Association and by FIBKA in a manner designed to maintain privacy and confidentiality, and to prevent unauthorised access, alteration or deletion. FIBKA Membership Secretary and Manager of An Beachaire will store your personal data in paper records and in electronic form on encrypted computers. This Association will store your personal data in paper format and in the contact details of the above email address.

Your personal data will be retained by this Association for 6 years, to be reviewed annually, and by FIBKA for a period of at least 10 years, after which it will be destroyed in a manner consistent with best practice at the time. 10 years is the minimum retention period required under current best practice guidelines, because membership details form part of the financial records of this Association and of FIBKA. It might be necessary for FIBKA Membership Secretary to keep membership details for a period in excess of 10 years where the statute of limitations on third party insurance claims exceeds that period. This requirement will be reviewed periodically and amended as appropriate. Note: currently we are advised that 6 years is adequate for this purpose.

Your rights in relation to personal data held by this Association and by FIBKA:

You are entitled to receive a copy of your personal data on written application to the Secretary of this Association and/or to FIBKA Membership Secretary, and to have any inaccuracies or deficiencies in your data corrected.
You can withdraw your consent to the holding or processing of your personal data at any time, on the understanding that deletion of your data will mean that this Association and FIBKA will no longer be able to deliver member services/ entitlements to you.

If you feel that your rights in relation to your personal data have been compromised, you are entitled to seek clarification and/or make a complaint to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner

Use of your personal data:

By completing/submitting this form and paying your membership fee, you are agreeing to join this Association, which is affiliated to the Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations (FIBKA). For purposes of Data Protection Acts and Regulations, this Association and FIBKA fulfil the roles of Joint Data Controllers.